Thursday, May 04, 2006


Another ugly day here in HK but it was okay. Isabella is getting another tooth so she's a bit cranky and drooly. LOL She officially walked more than crawled today. My baby's a walker... so hard to believe. It's funny how a thing like walking makes a Mommy so proud. Love my girl.

Friday was our last day at Dolphin Bay. We decided just to spend the day at the resort and relax.

Mike got another massage and I got a mani/pedicure. Other than that we enjoyed lots of Thai food, fruity drinks, sun, and the water. Before dinner, we decided to take a few family photos so I set up my tripod and surprisingly got some awesome shots (well at least I think so.)

Just as we finished our pictures it began to storm and the night ended with a beautiful rainbow. What an awesome way to end our trip. Being reminded of the promises of God.

I don't know what Isabella's deal was that night but she did NOT want to go to sleep. We put her down and tried to let her cry it out for a bit but it wasn't happening. We got her up and she was up for another two hours and once we put her down, everything had to be turned off. Made for an earlier evening for us but that was okay. Just forced us to rest a bit more.

Saturday was thrilling. LOL Our driver (to take us to the airport) arrived at 8am but he was in NO hurry. He stopped twice for gas, drove around the city for a bit and in the end made a 3hr trip into 4hrs. The thrilling part came when we arrived at the airport and our flight had already boarded. They were waiting for us and there were people along the way with walkie talkies saying, "They're coming. Just passed me." Okay so maybe not those words exactly but I don't speak Thai. LOL Thank goodness for a great airline (Sri Lankan again) and very friendly people. Isabella got more toys and made lots of new friends.

It's always hard to come back from vacation but we came back very refreshed and ready to jump back into our ministry here in HK. Thanks for all your prayers... it was one of the best vacations ever!

Random thoughts~
Nothings coming to me.... I think my brain is on overload.

I'll close with a picture I made for KT
KT, I'll send you an email with the attachment. Hope you like it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow your trip sounded great. What a lovely last day you had and your family pic is PERFECT! You have such a beautifull family (I include you in this assesment of course :) ) Glad it helped refresh you both, welcome home :) (From the other side of the world though :P)