Tuesday, January 10, 2006

You can choose your attitude

Isabella has another cold, poor thing. Her little cough just breaks my heart but she's happy nonetheless. She teaches me so much on a daily basis and her joyfulness challenges me each day. Like today...

We had to cancel our trip to Thailand and I was so bummed! I was really looking forward to getting away to some place that has space and grass and dolphins! And when this decision was made... my attitude changed and I got crabby. I was so frustrated, disappointed, ect but then I looked at my daughter and she smiled. It was at this point that I realized my attitude was my choice and I could choose to be crabby or take a spin on this disappointment and see the positives. By staying in HK, we get to experience Chinese New Year and I'm really excited about that. I've heard about the fireworks, the parades, the dragon dance and now I get to see them all. So now while Isabella sleeps, I'm busy researching CNY to see the traditions and what different things mean and learning tons. How cool to be a part of the culture here and to experience this!

Something cool that happened as I changed my attitude... I realized that we could indeed go to Thailand but at a different time and it will actually be better. It will be cheaper for us, much warmer and it will be after I return from the states so it will be a great chance for us to be together as a family after being a part for so long. And while I discovered this, I discovered VERY reasonably priced tickets back to the states and so I'll be able to save on that trip as well. So although, I'm still bummed about having to wait (I never claimed to be a patient person) some great things have come out of this disappointment that I highly doubt would have if I hadn't changed me attitude. Thanks Izzy.... thanks for smiling!


Mike said...

wow, what a great post. i'm proud of your willingness to keep a good attitude in the face of disappointment. i promise to do the same!
i love you so muc!

Mrs. Burns said...

Melissa~ when are you coming in Feb? I'd love to see you and Isabella!