Monday, March 12, 2007

Really need to update...

My oh my... I'm not doing so well recently in keeping up with my resolutions... one being blog every day so I don't forget even the tiniest of ways that I noticed God at work.

Okay... so back to well a week ago... (yikes!)

Actually last Wed, I got a call from Makiko (the Japanese mom I met on the bus to TST) asking us to come over to visit on Thursday because she was returning to Japan permantantly and wanted to spend some time with us before she left. I was so bummed because she is the sweetest woman I think I've ever met. And I was even more bummed after spending the afternoon with her on Thursday because all of the children (she's got 4 ranging from 3-11) got a long so well and we had some great conversation despite the language barrier. But she made me promise that if we ever visit Japan, that we need to come to her place. How sweet!

While during our visit (which was only supposed to be for about 2hrs but we were having such a great time it ended up about 4/5hrs) I noticed Isabella was scratching her belly A LOT. I noticed in class on Wed too but I looked and there was nothing. However, at Makiko's I noticed a rash around the top of her diaper. It made me nervous but I didn't think too much of it. Then we got home and after Isabella crashed on our bed, I checked her stomach again and noticed that the rash was covering parts of her entire chest area and under her arms. That threw me into somewhat of a panicked mode. All I kept thinking was... 'She's got the chicken pox and now all the children in her class and Makiko's family will get them too.' So as soon as Mike got home, I got his opinion and he immediately called Dr. Kelly. We are so very blessed that Dr. Kelly is so generous in caring for all of us. She has given us her private numbers so that we can reach her at any time and being in a foreign country... well that just means a lot. Anyway... she happened to be at home and as Mike described Izzy's belly, she said to bring her over to her building (also feel very blessed that she lives just two buildings away from us!) because she was convinced that yes it was chicken pox. However, once she saw Isabella she decided it was just a rash. So it was a bit of a whirlwind evening for us but I praise God for how He has provided for us and meets our needs and that He protected Isabella and all these other children she was around from the chicken pox for now. I know they're miserable when you're older but I just can't imagine a 2yr old with them wanting to scratch.

The weekend was our youth group retreat 'Reveal' and it was excellent. Mike and Hannah did a fabulous job helping all of us to understand how God reveals Himself in us, to us and around us. It was a lot of hands on type of learning rather than teaching (which stretches our students here) but I really think the students enjoyed seeing God in that way. Jill, Ryan and Hunter (new teachers this year at CAIS with a little one) joined us and it was a great way to build relationships with them as well. We had great attendance (in my opinion anyway) and a few students that surprised me by coming. Some of them are really coming around and it's really fun to look back and see how some were so shy around Mike and now they just live to pick on him. It's taken a long time for the relationships to build (in comparison to what we're used to in the states) but they're growing and now we feel kinda like we've earned the right to stretch them in their spiritual lives. I know what I mean but it's hard to express so I hope that made sense. LOL

And of course after all that planning and then the actual event... poor Mike ended up sick on Monday morning. So Izzy and I went to class and then walked around the mall/had lunch to give him some peace and quiet. This week is Keswick, then camp and then a week to kinda catch his breath before he can totally relax by the pool, with a smoothie in hand in Thailand. :) (Had to throw that in there as Mike keeps teasing me because I'm always talking about our upcoming trip.)

Well there's more to share but I need to get something posted before I go to bed. :)

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