It's really easy to feel invisible with the millions and millions of people walking around but today I'm convinced I actually was. LOL It's been a tiring week for me emotionally. So many little things have gone wrong that are adding up causing me to be discouraged... I feel like our flat is falling apart from the lights to a bad drain, broken vacuum, possible mold, etc... Isabella has been sick all week and the meds I'm giving her don't seem to be helping, my arms are sore at the moment (beginning to think I really do have carpul tunnel.. so I probably shouldn't be typing but alas). So today's invisibility just hit me hard. I literally was about 1 foot away from getting hit by a bus and a tour bus at that, while trying to pick up a few groceries everyone cut in front of me or just stopped in front, etc.. and as I was walking out of the mall... the electronic door would not open. (That's why I was convinced I was invisible! lol) So anyway...
{a continuation of last nights post....}
Mike had the boys over while I played piano for our Maundy Thursday service and when I got home we all had dinner and then they decided to watch a movie. I went in our room and wrote the first part of this post while my food digested and then I went out for a run. I decided not to time anything, no to set a goal my only 'goal' per say was to set a steady pace. So I got outside, turned on my worship playlist and took off. It was absolutley perfect weather... cool and breezy and fairly clear so I was able to enjoy the city. It was the most amazing run ever! I enjoyed every single minute of it... even the hills! LOL I ran to TST Star ferry and back and then about half way to the Hung Hom ferry (means nothing to most of you but I'm writing this for myself to remember) and back... totalling... 10K! Oh wow it felt great and I even beat my race time. I ran the entire time and even pushed myself to run faster for the last probably 2K. I think the biggest reason I enjoyed it so much was because I wasn't pressed for time... I had all night to run if I wanted. Which makes me realize even more the need to get up earlier because running at night is not always possible and I would prefer a consistent time. I loved listening and praising God while I ran.. it was so refreshing. So anyway....
I came home to find my sweetie wide awake and it was after 10pm. We have NO IDEA why she was awake but she was ready to party... just ask Grandma (we skyped and boy did Izzy put on a show). But thankfully after skyping she went (well we all went) to bed. Today's been a very laid back, uneventful day... well for Isabella and I anyway. Mike had revolve and I wish I could've been there because it sounded like a wonderful night remembering/reflecting on what Christ went through so that we may have eternal life.
I've also personally been reflecting on this passage and wanted to share...
Isaiah 53
1 Who has believed our message
and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he took up our infirmities
and carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to his own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression [a] and judgment he was taken away.
And who can speak of his descendants?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was stricken. [b]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes [c] his life a guilt offering,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After the suffering of his soul,
he will see the light of life [d] and be satisfied [e] ;
by his knowledge [f] my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, [g]
and he will divide the spoils with the strong, [h]
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
Each day it speaks to me in a different way... take time to digest what this passage really prophesies. After all... He did this for us.
And for those of you who can read simplified Chinese (hehehe)
以 賽 亞 書 53
1 我 们 所 传 的 ( 或 译 : 所 传 与 我 们 的 ) 有 谁 信 呢 ? 耶 和 华 的 膀 臂 向 谁 显 露 呢 ?
2 他 在 耶 和 华 面 前 生 长 如 嫩 芽 , 像 根 出 於 乾 地 。 他 无 佳 形 美 容 ; 我 们 看 见 他 的 时 候 , 也 无 美 貌 使 我 们 羡 慕 他 。
3 他 被 藐 视 , 被 人 厌 弃 ; 多 受 痛 苦 , 常 经 忧 患 。 他 被 藐 视 , 好 像 被 人 掩 面 不 看 的 一 样 ; 我 们 也 不 尊 重 他 。
4 他 诚 然 担 当 我 们 的 忧 患 , 背 负 我 们 的 痛 苦 ; 我 们 却 以 为 他 受 责 罚 , 被 神 击 打 苦 待 了 。
5 哪 知 他 为 我 们 的 过 犯 受 害 , 为 我 们 的 罪 孽 压 伤 。 因 他 受 的 刑 罚 , 我 们 得 平 安 ; 因 他 受 的 鞭 伤 , 我 们 得 医 治 。
6 我 们 都 如 羊 走 迷 ; 各 人 偏 行 己 路 ; 耶 和 华 使 我 们 众 人 的 罪 孽 都 归 在 他 身 上 。
7 他 被 欺 压 , 在 受 苦 的 时 候 却 不 开 口 ( 或 译 : 他 受 欺 压 , 却 自 卑 不 开 口 ) ; 他 像 羊 羔 被 牵 到 宰 杀 之 地 , 又 像 羊 在 剪 毛 的 人 手 下 无 声 , 他 也 是 这 样 不 开 口 。
8 因 受 欺 压 和 审 判 , 他 被 夺 去 , 至 於 他 同 世 的 人 , 谁 想 他 受 鞭 打 、 从 活 人 之 地 被 剪 除 , 是 因 我 百 姓 的 罪 过 呢 ?
9 他 虽 然 未 行 强 暴 , 口 中 也 没 有 诡 诈 , 人 还 使 他 与 恶 人 同 埋 ; 谁 知 死 的 时 候 与 财 主 同 葬 。
10 耶 和 华 却 定 意 ( 或 译 : 喜 悦 ) 将 他 压 伤 , 使 他 受 痛 苦 。 耶 和 华 以 他 为 赎 罪 祭 ( 或 译 : 他 献 本 身 为 赎 罪 祭 ) 。 他 必 看 见 後 裔 , 并 且 延 长 年 日 。 耶 和 华 所 喜 悦 的 事 必 在 他 手 中 亨 通 。
11 他 必 看 见 自 己 劳 苦 的 功 效 , 便 心 满 意 足 。 有 许 多 人 因 认 识 我 的 义 仆 得 称 为 义 ; 并 且 他 要 担 当 他 们 的 罪 孽 。
12 所 以 , 我 要 使 他 与 位 大 的 同 分 , 与 强 盛 的 均 分 掳 物 。 因 为 他 将 命 倾 倒 , 以 致 於 死 ; 他 也 被 列 在 罪 犯 之 中 。 他 却 担 当 多 人 的 罪 , 又 为 罪 犯 代 求 。
And because I can...

There's a page two but it'll have to wait until another day.
1 comment:
Yaya! I have my own scrap page...I feel so special!!!
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