Friday, August 04, 2006

It's done....

Yeah! The typhoon has passed and we can go outside again! I can't tell you how cramped I felt yesterday not being able to get out. Thankfully we had some visitors to brighten our day.

Janet, Jonathan and Rebecca Olson were a part of our congregation in Nowthen and Jonathan was in our Jr. High group the year before we moved. So when Janet decided to visit her brother they made plans to see us as well. It was so wonderful! We also got to meet her sister, sister-in-law, and niece and it was just fun to catch up. I realized how much respect I had for Janet as she shared her heart about the Nowthen situation. I can remember having a conversation with her (just weeks before we got the first phone call from HK) about trusting God's ultimate plan for our lives (we were beginning to doubt our call to missions) and walking away thinking... I really want to get to know her. I think I'll give her a call and see if she would be interested in meeting/praying together on a regular basis. But before I got around to that... the phone call came and I knew in my heart we were moving and I didn't want to make any more good friendships knowing I would probably have to say good-bye. I regret that decision now but unfortunately that's what I did.

So anyway... they brought along a few treats for us... one of which was a puppy dog for Isabella and she just adores it. She is now saying 'woo-woo' (aka woof woof) so it's so adorable to see her hug the puppy and 'woo.' The others included some Mt. Dew for Mike (can't find it here), some kitchen towels (with some great recipes on them) for me, and some books for Isabella. We didn't even know that she brought anything until they left. Talk about sneaky! But it was really sweet and thoughtful.
Today was great! We got out to the park and a bit of walking which was so refreshing for me and a great energy booster. I realize how much I struggle when I'm stuck indoors. LOL We met Mike for dinner at the Outback (too lazy to cook... actually too lazy to go to the store) and afterwards we met our youth and brought them back to our house for games. We had about 7 in attendance which is pretty darn good since a lot of them are out of the country right now! lol It was a wonderful night for me because I really felt I was able to connect with one of the girls who is a bit quieter and harder to talk with. I love having them over to our flat even though we're a bit squished and tonight was no exception.

Well... once again it's late and I need to get to bed so that's all I'll write for now. But before I go I want to ask for your prayers for 3 situations:

1. Hannah arrives in just a few weeks!!!! Please pray for her last minute preparations and all the details/stresses that go into moving overseas for a year. We are SOOO excited to have her with us!

2. Please pray for our Sr and his wife. They just found out that they will have to move out of their flat. As you have experienced with us... flat hunting is not fun but thankfully once they find something they really like... they can take it. Please pray they will find exactly what they are looking for in their price range. I know they are disappointed and a bit stressed about having to find a new place so quickly.

3. Please pray for Isabella. I don't know exactly what's going on but I'm thinking teething but she is not sleeping well. She is constantly waking at night and refuses naps during the day. Please pray that she would be able to get the rest she needs.

And finally...

It's not in the store just yet but I finished it and wanted to share the preview. Included are 9 slightly worn and distressed papers, 3 diamond stick pins, 3 diamond centered chipboard flowers, 1 metal sequined frame, 1 glitter border, 1 glitter design, 1 swirl brush, 3 glitter wordart, 1 stamped quote, 1 vellum tag, 1 butterfly patch (the inspiration for the kit) and a full upper case metal alphabet. Title... Butterfly Delight look for it soon at Liddys Loft.

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