After a bit of a long day traveling... I decided to keep the kids home today. It was a wise decision. They both slept until 9:45 and woke up very happy. In fact, they were happy most of the day which was great even though they both were still quite tired. Isabella actually fell asleep in Mike's arms at about 7:30 which if you know her... that's not normal. I'm thankful that she still has two more days off before school begins again... hopefully she will be rested up from the trip.
Isaiah had his first solids today, rice cereal. He did really well.... much better than Izzy did but shortly after finishing, he spit it all back up. Oh well... it was fun and hopefully it will help him sleep a bit better at night. I can't believe he's old enough to start solids. Where did my baby go? He's 5 months now and as cute as ever. He was quite popular in Thailand. Izzy was too. Many, many photos were taken of them and lots of stares.
I head back to work tomorrow and am a bit nervous about it. My eyes have acted up again and I'm on eye drops and wearing my glasses but I don't know if it's my glasses or the medication but everything 2 feet and further away is extremely blurry. Not exactly sure how helpful I'll be at work but we'll see. The big race is this Sunday and I'm trying not to get to stressed about it but it was too difficult to run in Thailand so I feel very unprepared. I just want to enjoy myself so I'm trying to keep a positive attitude.
Well once again, blogger is not allowing my photos to upload so this one will have to do. We did get a short video and a cute video of him talking that I'll try to post tomorrow.
Hope you have a blessed Sunday!
"You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon Him, for you are His personal concern." 1 Peter 5:7
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