Thursday, August 23, 2007

Please don't say it...

The Alliance Women of Dover are such amazing women! I was so honored to be able to share with them while at home but one comment was made that as Mom and I left, I snickered. One woman told me that she appreciated that while I shared prayer requests and struggles, I was content and happy about where God has us right now. And then she said that it seems that we are comfortable there.

And when she said 'comfortable,' I cringed. Not at all because of her but because it seems that when Mike and I have finally become comfortable in a place to where we feel like we fit in, getting around is easy, the ministry seems to be going well, etc... God saids, 'Okay... time to step out of that comfort zone.' and we've moved.

So I joking told my MIL that no one was allowed to say that because I wasn't ready for any drastic changes. lol

Now I'm not at all saying we're moving, nor do we want to... it was just funny that she said that. Mainly because I don't think I would ever say that Hong Kong is my comfort zone because there is still so much to learn in so many ways and secondly I just don't want to move. :)

So anyway... just a funny story to me that I wanted to remember.

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