Mike surprised Izzy and I by asking some of the youth to do some painting in our flat. Aren't they talentend???? Wow.. I was blown away at how alive they made Izzy's room. Izzy walked in and said, 'ELMO, SpongeBob, and BLUE!' It was too cute. Then she insisted on putting on her raincoat and boats and grabbing her umbrella because that's what Elmo was wearing and she needed some apple juice because SpongeBob had some. Too cute.
Mike even had Ben paint, 'As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.' above our doorway (I forgot to take a pic so I'll have to take one today and post tomorrow.) It looks wonderful!
I'm just super excited at how our flat is finally coming together and looking like a home. Mike even put up our shelves and I've been busy cleaning and reorganizing things so we have plenty of room. Anyway... I just had to share these pictures because I'm so impressed.