Friday, August 15, 2008

Just in case...

You read this but don't get our email updates...

The Dr said that Baby Bob is just big... 4kgs to be exact (about 8.8lbs) and has an unusually large tummy. They are concerned about the tummy getting stuck so they highly recommended a c-section. I'm torn about this because I feel if I were to go into labor within the next few days it would be okay to try naturally (as I've just read about a few women delivering 9+ babies in the past few months) but they still want to do a c-section but obviously if the baby does not arrive before the 25th (when they want to do the c-section) then I would be too nervous to try on my own. But alas... I'm not having any more contractions so I doubt the baby will come on it's own which means... Baby Bob will arrive some time on August 25th.

I do ask for prayer though that I would go into labor on my own sometime this week as Isabella's 1st day of school is the 25th. I really wanted Mike or I to take her (an adult goes with her for an hr that 1st week to help with adjustments) and if the baby doesn't come on his own... neither of us will be able to go with her.

So that's the update. To be honest, I'm quite frustrated and discouraged and not really interested in talking about this much right now.


Anonymous said...

Hey, my cousin had a 12 pounder, a week overdue, at home in a tub!

You can do it (hey, you did it before).

Unknown said...

Definitely praying for you. I know how the whole section the second time goes, and I really hope you go into labor on your own too. But whatever happens we know that God is in charge, and that he made Baby Bob, and you as well. You are securely in His hands, and I know that whatever His will is for this situation will be the safest thing for you. Love you all, and praying for you!