Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sunny days...

Isabella at 9 months

Another beautiful day here in Hong Kong. I must say that early Springs are my friend! I remember missing that about Alabama and now I get to enjoy it again. All day today I thought about how excited I was to be living here. No particular reason... just do. I've discovered that 'home' to me really is where my hubby and daughter are. I'll be happy wherever as long as I have them with me.

I'm either dealing with a cold or allergies so I wasn't full of energy today so Izzy and I just hung out at home and took a short walk to visit Mike and see the new room for Children's Church. Lots to get ready for in the next couple of weeks but I'm so excited about it.

Isabella is officially standing on her own. Not all the time but she doesn't need any assistance from us any more. My how independent she is becoming. Excites me but also makes me sad that she's growing so fast. I can hardly believe there is only about 1 1/2 months until her 1st birthday. I got most of her party supplies at Walmart while I was home so now it's deciding on how small/big of a party we want to have. I want it to be special (even if she won't remember it) and because I know we'd have a lot of friends/family if we were in the states, I want to have them here as well. So hopefully they will be available to help us celebrate.

Tomorrow Mike is going to look at flats. Our 1400sq ft flat fell through so it's back to the drawing board and it's just easier for Mike to go and take pictures and then if necessary we'll all go another day. It just can be too long of a day with Isabella. So here's praying for some awesome results!

Well... I'm off to bed.


Anonymous said...

Hey it's are such a darling mom! I love that picture of you standing over Isabella. I am getting sooo excited to come to Hong Kong. Anyways! I love you much and can't wait to see you!

BoozetteScrappy said...

Love the look of your blog. You have a beautiful little girl and the layout is so cute.

Margie said...

Such a sweet photo!! Love it! Good luck with the flats!! The Lord has the perfect one just waiting for you :)